Organizing is a daily task:
Take a few minutes each morning and evening to clean out your inbox. Delete spam/unwanted emails and empty your deleted items folder. The first time you organize your inbox, it may be overwhelming, but IT GETS EASIER! Just think of how great it will feel to open your email and only see 5 or 10 emails! If you keep up daily, this will be your reality. If you don’t think you can keep up with this task, it’s an easy one to outsource to a Virtual Assistant that you trust!
Create and commit to an email filing system:
Once you read your new email, File it, Assign it to someone or Trash it. That’s right, sometimes the trash is the best place for emails that are cluttering your inbox. You should also go through your subscriptions (emails lists you joined for a free download) and unsubscribe if you are no longer opening these emails. We tend to subscribe to a million email lists to get our free download or webinar, but then we also get 20 sales emails a week. If you aren’t planning to ever buy anything, unsubscribe! If you may purchase something in the future, but don’t want your inbox cluttered up, set up a rule to kick these emails to a folder you can check in the future.
Don’t give out your work email unless it’s for work:
This one is simple, don’t give out your work email out unless it’s for work! Friends and family can email you on your personal email, they don’t need to clutter up your work inbox. Also, use caution when posting your work email to social media and networking sites or signing up for non-work related newsletters. We all know, how fast our inboxes fill up with emails that pertain to work, so why clutter it more with personal emails? Work life balance includes emails!
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A Plus Assistants
Contact A Plus Assistants Today for a free consult call and see how we can help you GET organized and STAY organized.